
Showing posts from March, 2019

Teen Vogue: Industry and social media blog tasks

Teen Vogue: Industry and social media blog tasks Create a new blogpost called 'Teen Vogue Industry and social media' and work through the following tasks to complete the final aspects of your Teen Vogue case study: Industry: Condé Nast 1) Research Teen Vogue publisher Condé Nast. What other magazines do they publish and how much money did they make last year? They publish Wired, The New Yorker, Glamour and many more. 2) What are Teen Vogue’s main sources of income? Selling advertising spaces and selling their customer's data to other companies. 3) How are traditionally print-based products like Teen Vogue diversifying to create new income streams? They used social media as a platform to increase their revenue with the use of apps like YouTube, Instagram and even Snapchat. 4) Why is sponsored content and ‘advertorial’ particularly important in media linked to the fashion industry? Increases the likelihood of people purchasing certain products . 5) Do you view ...

OSP: Teen Vogue - Audience and Representation

OSP: Teen Vogue - Audience and Representation Teen Vogue offers a huge amount to discuss and write about for the concepts of audience and representation. The exam could focus on anything from the changing nature of digital audiences to how certain groups or issues are represented in Teen Vogue online. Notes from the lesson Audience Although the brand name suggests a teenage audience, the typical Teen Vogue reader has evolved in recent years. The move to more political content has broadened the appeal and changed the genre – young women now expect more from their media. The ‘Campus Life’ section in Lifestyle also suggests an older readership. However, the audience is still interested in celebrity content and beauty – which Teen Vogue addresses by featuring the ‘opinion leaders’ (two-step flow) of social media. Generations Generation X: Born between 1965 – 1980 Millennials / Generation Y: Born between 1981 – 1995 Generation Z (or iGen): Born 1996 – 2010 Teen Vogue: politica...

Video games: Women in video games

Videogames: Women in videogames Our final in-depth media topic is Videogames. Our Videogames CSPs are Tomb Raider Anniversary, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and The Sims FreePlay. These are in-depth CSPs and need to be studied with reference to all four elements of the Theoretical Framework (Language, Representation, Industries, Audience) and all relevant contexts. This will be tested in Media Two exam – a 25 mark essay question. Videogames: an introduction The videogames industry is a huge media market –  bigger than video and music combined . It is worth £3.86bn – more than double its value in 2007. Remarkably, these figures do not include mobile and free games such as Fortnite (which has over 200 million players worldwide). With FIFA19, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 each selling more than 1m copies, it is important to consider the influence games can have on audiences and society. Women in videogames The representation of women in...